August 23, 2010

Signs of Hyderabad I

Hyderabad, India. The International Congress of Mathematicians is taking place at the Hyderabad International  Convention Centre (HICC, below).

Note the concentric circles that mark the plaza in front of the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.

A sign (below) outside the centre welcomes delegates from all over the world to the meeting.

The new Fields Medalists each get a chance to present their work. Winner Ngo Bao Chau also spent time autographing copies of a recently published article presenting some of his award-winning work (below). More than 200 mathematicians took advantage of the opportunity, purchasing offprints from the publisher for signing.

Security is tight. A security fence surrounds the entire area, including the conference hotel, and some roads are blocked off (below).

All vehicles travelling to the site must go through two checkpoints. Anyone entering the hotel or HICC must pass through a metal detector and be frisked by a guard. Armed soldiers stand on guard at various positions on the grounds.

Photos by I. Peterson.

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